
Friday, May 28, 2021

My recipe

 I have been learning to do lots of things

I enjoy to add the things

my favourite food is a pizza

my dlo is to have fun and learn more

Ewan Reading Week 4

  I have learnt to add more things to me drawing 

I have learnt to do my favorite food and do lots of writing

my DLO is to do more things and ask for help

I enjoyed learning lots of things 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

My job

 I have learning to read lots of things

I am joy the part when he grabs the gem

my dlo is to learn about lots of things

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Who am I

I have been learning about clues about who am I 

I have enjoyed letting other people guess who I am

My DLO is to describe the little bit more